Friday, March 11, 2011

Radiological signs suggesting aortic disruption

Hi again,
This week I am studying radiology. Certain essential knowledge must be remembered by heart. There is a classic constellation of signs on the chest X-Ray associated with aortic injury. (Clarke 1977):
  1. Displacement of trachea and NG tube to the right
  2. Wide upper mediastinum
  3. Left pleural cap
  4. Loss of aorto-pulmonary window, the space on the left mediastinal border between the aortic knuckle and the pulmonary artery.
  5. Indistinct outline of aortic knuckle
  6. Depression of left main bronchus
  7. Fracture of first or second rib
  8. Left haemothorax
  9. Loss of paratracheal stripe
CT angiography, TEE or DSA would be acceptable for investigation of a possible traumatic rupture of the aorta. MRA may be used, but the requirement for prolonged investigation in a suboptimally monitored environment limits its usefullness.

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